
Level Sensor Selection Guide


Numerous principles of operation and design variations together with the consideration of installation parameters, location, and operational economies, can make selecting the correct level sensor a daunting task. If you don’t know the difference between ultrasonic level, float level or buoyancy level technologies then you may not make the right choice of level sensor. We are here to help… 

The main questions which need to be considered before selecting a level measurement sensor:

The main questions which need to be considered before selecting a level measurement sensor:

  • What are the contents being measured – liquid or solid or slurry or powder?
  • Are level measurements required either continuous or point level (discrete)?
  • What are the application’s minimum and maximum temperature and pressure?
  • What level measurement range is required?
  • What accuracy range is required?
  • Is the measured medium electrically conductive?
  • Is it possible to penetrate the vessel wall or be inside it?
  • Will the material coat or build up on surfaces?
  • If liquid, is there any turbulence, foam or vapour at the surface?
  • Is contact with the contents possible or will the application require non-contact level measurement?
  • Is an integral display or remote display required?
  • What kind of output / alarms are required e.g. analogue, relay, etc?
Clean WaterYesYesYesYesYes, but costlyYesNo
Dirty WaterYesYesYesYesYes, but costlyYesNo
ChemicalsYesYesYesYesYes, but costlyYesNo
SlurriesYesYesCertain DesignsNoYesCertain DesignsNo
Bulk SolidsYesNoCertain DesignsNoYesYesYes
Open ChannelsYesNoNoNoNoNoNo

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